Saturday, 28 November 2015

Waxing Lyrical With Yankee Candle

Been eating fish as it's Friday
and your house smells rotten?
sort it with the scent
of a melting Clean Cotton

Recklessly deserted your dreams
as you thought they would never be?
wake up and smell the belief
with a waft of Sweet Pea

Found all the boxes
but unsure where to tick?
disperse the Meadow Mist
With a scintillating Cinnamon Stick

Want to get even with a rival
who's given you every motive?
plan your ultimate triumph
with a Honey Glow votive

Found life's happiness door
but can't find the handle?
melt all your troubles away
with a ubiquitous Yankee Candle

Saturday, 21 November 2015

The Trek of Life

Defy the docility inflicted upon the masses
In the form of hysterical unbalanced news reporting
Anti social media atrophying your quality of life.
Practice reciprocal altruism and individuality.
We are all a work in progress.
Learn when to kick over the traffic cones on life's path
When that path becomes impassable
Retreat to a smoother thoroughfare.
Use your time on this planet to promote it's good health
Sustainability for future generations.
Wasting your time is wasting life itself.
Ignore the ignorant.
Love your loved ones
Seek out new possibilities
Be culturally aware and boldly go
Where no man or woman has gone before.