Look up at the sky filled with rain
Just another day in Manchester again
Storms and floods, rivers bursting banks
You'd think we'd be used to it, us Mancs
You're low on Vitamin D, the doctor said
For a dose of the sun, head for the Med
But I've got ginger roots, said I to him
He looked at me like I was dim
He gave me some pills to give me a boost
I felt a bit better and not quite as goosed
The sun appeared so I ran out of the door
Then there were clouds and it rained some more
In my 'hood one Sunday a flash flood did arrive
I now had a lake where once stood a drive
I went to the shop in a pea green boat
No owl or pussycat, just a high visibility coat
Winter was sodden , now Spring is damp
It may be midday but I've turned on a lamp
If you want to spend time now in your local park
Climate change is here, you'd better build an Ark!
I sent this off to the Manchester Evening News whereby it was published a few days later